How to accommodate disabilities people

Disability Definition: 
Persons are considered to have a disability if they have a limitation, restriction, or impairment, which has lasted, or is likely to last, for at least six months and restricts everyday activities. Which includes physical, intellectual, psychiatric, sensory, neurological, and learning disabilities. Disability can be permanent or temporary, visible or invisible. 

Organizations can make sure that their workplace, including premises, information, and communication technology, is accessible to employees with a disability. 

Organizations like JobAccess can provide funding to help cover some of the costs of reasonable adjustments

List of the disabilities :

1. Intellectual

2. Physical

3. Mental Illness

4. Sensory

Ways to accommodate disabilities people:

1. Simplized the language or words when talking to intellectual people. Instead of giving complex tasks to them, we can provide simple easy jobs to them.

2. Adjust the workplace with physical disabilities support facilities, for instance, a wheelchair, a handle, and a disability-accessible lift.

3. Hiring a psychologist in the workplace to help these employees, or encouraging the employees to check with their own psychologist regularly. And taking a treatment positively.

4. Adjust the task assigned to these employees depending on which sensor they were missing. Put them into another team.
