Seeking a Promotion

I am writing to express my interest in being considered for a promotion to the position of team leader. I have two years of experience in the field of the locomotive industry and have some skills that I believe would make me successful in this role. The 3 important qualities which match my personality are listed below:

1. Self-awareness

Self-awareness is a key ingredient of successful leadership. I have developed self-awareness so that I am able to understand my own emotions and how they affect my colleagues. I am able to manage my stress and stay calm under pressure. I also have a clear vision of my goals and am able to communicate this vision to my team members. For example, during my 2 years of work I have achieved success in teamwork due to my self-awareness of what I can do and did it well. Also with the management of my stress and staying calm under pressure, I keep good communication with my colleagues to conduct many effective jobs.

2. encourage strategic thinking

I always use encourage strategic thinking to share my ideas and think creatively about how to improve the company. Encourage out-of-the-box thinking by conducting brainstorming sessions and giving my colleagues the time and space to think creatively. When I or my colleagues come up with new ideas, we take the time to listen and give them feedback. I have shown my colleagues that I value their input and I am open to new ideas by implementing some of their suggestions.

3. Time management

I have developed good time management skills which use my time efficiently.  During my 2 years of working time, I have made a list of things to do and prioritize them. Setting deadlines for myself, taking breaks, eliminating distractions, and avoiding multitasking. As a result, I and my team completed our jobs by the deadline every time.

As I have mentioned my qualities for becoming a good leader, I believe that I have the skills and experience needed to be successful in this role and would be a valuable asset to the team.
Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to hearing from you.
